Eye For Film >> Movies >> All That Glisters (2012) Film Review
All That Glisters
Reviewed by: Andrew Robertson

Claire Lamond's film manages to walk a fine line around simplicity - child-like without seeming childish, moving without seeming mawkish, its tone is informed by a stark contrast between rough-textured marionettes and the splendour of glitter.
The particulate beauty is somewhat ironic, as the central issue is of a young girl trying to come to terms with her father's asbestosis.

It's not a light subject, but it's delicately handled - based on a short story by Anne Donovan it benefits from a touching emotional core and a careful eye - very good production and character design give it an impressionistic authenticity.
It's not so much gritty kitchen-sink as rough-hewn papier mache, but it still manages that air of council-estate verite. There isn't much to this wee film, but that doesn't mean it doesn't shine.
Reviewed on: 08 Feb 2013